Chrome Extension Template with React Tailwindcss Typescript


This is a Chrome extension development template built with modern frontend technologies, designed to help developers quickly create powerful Chrome extensions. The project integrates React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Webpack, with a built-in React Hook for interacting with and support for communication between popup and options pages.

You can find it on Github


  • React: Build dynamic UIs with a component-based approach.
  • TypeScript: Ensure type safety and improve code maintainability.
  • Tailwind CSS: Rapidly create beautiful, responsive interfaces.
  • Webpack: Modular bundling for development and production environments.
  • Chrome Storage Hook: A custom React Hook to simplify interactions.
  • Popup & Options Interaction: Enable communication between the extension’s popup and options pages.
  • Modular Design: Easily extensible, ideal for rapid prototyping.

Tech Stack

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Webpack
  • Chrome Extension APIs
  • DaisyUI


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd [repo-name]
  2. Install Dependencies


npm install

  1. Run in Development Mode
    npm run dev

This starts the development environment, watching for changes and generating unminified builds.

  1. Build for Production
    npm run build

Generates optimized extension files in the dist directory.

  1. Load into Chrome Open Chrome and navigate to chrome://extensions/. Enable “Developer mode.” Click “Load unpacked” and select the dist folder from the project root.


  1. Project Structure
├── src/
│   ├── popup.tsx/html   # Popup page code
│   ├── options.tsx/html # Options page code
│   ├── tools/           # Custom React Hooks (e.g.,
│   ├── assets/          # Static assets (images, styles, etc.)
│   ├── compontments/    # Reusable React components
│   ├── manifest.json    # Chrome extension configuration file
│   └── ...
├── dist/                # Build output directory
├── webpack.config.js    # Webpack configuration file
└── ...
  1. Customize the Extension Edit src/manifest.json to configure basic extension details (name, version, permissions, etc.). Write your logic in src/popup and src/options. Use tools/useChromeStorage.ts to interact with Chrome storage.

  2. Example: Storing Data

export default function App() {
  const [count1, setCount1] = useChromeStorageLocal<number>("count1", 0);
  return (
    <div className='flex gap-10 items-center'>
      <p>Stored Count1: {count1}</p>
      <button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => setCount1(count1 + 1)}>Increment</button>
      <button className="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => setCount1(0)}>Reset</button>


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit Issues or Pull Requests to improve this project. Follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m "Add new feature").
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature).
  5. Create a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE).