Welcome to Droplets

Whether it’s joy, a touching memory, or an ordinary day, every “Droplet” shines as a unique part of your story. Download Droplets and add a splash of color to your time!

The Android app is in beta right now, so if you wouldd like to join the beta, I would appreciate it!

Why Droplets?

Create Unique Beads

Pick an emoji and pair it with your favorite color to craft your own colorful time bead.

Capture Special Moments

When an event happens, tap the bead and watch it gently drop into the time container.

Relive Every Moment

View your beads by day or month, easily revisiting the highlights of your life.

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The Android app is in beta right now, so if you wouldd like to join the beta, I would appreciate it!

Ios App store[coming soon]

Pending review. When it is ready, you can easy install on your iPhone.
